Source code for ncbitaxonomist.db.table.taxa

  Copyright 2019, 2020 The University of Sydney

.. moduleauthor:: Jan P Buchmann <>

import sqlite3
from typing import Iterable, Tuple, Type

import ncbitaxonomist.db.table.basetable

[docs]class TaxaTable(ncbitaxonomist.db.table.basetable.BaseTable): """Implements taxa table for local taxonomy database.""" def __init__(self, database:str): super().__init__(name='taxa', database=database)
[docs] def create(self, connection:Type[sqlite3.Connection])->__qualname__: stmt = """CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS taxa (id INTEGER PRIMARY KEY, taxonid INT NOT NULL, rank TEXT NULL, parentid INT NULL, UNIQUE(taxonid))""" connection.cursor().execute(stmt) self.create_index(connection) return self
[docs] def create_index(self, connection:Type[sqlite3.Connection])->None: stmt = """CREATE UNIQUE INDEX IF NOT EXISTS {0} ON taxa (taxonid)""".format(self.idx) connection.cursor().execute(stmt)
[docs] def insert(self, connection:Type[sqlite3.Connection], taxavalues:Iterable[Tuple[int,str,int]])->None: stmt = """INSERT INTO taxa (taxonid, rank, parentid) VALUES (?,?,?) ON CONFLICT (taxonid) WHERE parentid is NULL DO UPDATE SET parentid=excluded.parentid,rank=excluded.rank""" connection.cursor().executemany(stmt, taxavalues) connection.commit()
[docs] def insert_taxids(self, connection:Type[sqlite3.Connection], taxids:Iterable[int])->None: stmt = """INSERT OR IGNORE INTO taxa (taxonid) VALUES (?)""" connection.cursor().executemany(stmt, taxids) connection.commit()
[docs] def get_taxids(self, connection:Type[sqlite3.Connection])->Type[sqlite3.Cursor]: return connection.cursor().execute("""SELECT taxonid FROM taxa""")
[docs] def get_rows(self, connection:Type[sqlite3.Connection])->Type[sqlite3.Cursor]: return connection.cursor().execute("SELECT taxonid, rank, name, parentid FROM taxa")
[docs] def get_lineage(self, connection:Type[sqlite3.Connection], taxid:int, name_table:str)->Type[sqlite3.Cursor]: """Recursive construction of lineage from given taxid to highest parent.""" stmt = """WITH RECURSIVE parent(taxonid) AS (SELECT taxonid FROM taxa WHERE taxonid=? -- initial lookup UNION ALL -- start recursion SELECT t.parentid FROM taxa t, parent -- subquery WHERE t.taxonid=parent.taxonid) SELECT t.taxonid, t.rank, t.parentid,, n.type FROM taxa t -- select recursion result JOIN parent p ON t.taxonid=p.taxonid JOIN {0} n ON t.taxonid=n.taxonid""".format(name_table) return connection.cursor().execute(stmt, (taxid,))
[docs] def get_subtree(self, connection:Type[sqlite3.Connection], taxid:int)->Type[sqlite3.Cursor]: """Depth first search of taxon ids to find the subtree of taxid""" stmt = """WITH RECURSIVE subtree(taxonid, depth, rank) AS (SELECT ti.taxonid, 0, ti.rank FROM taxa ti WHERE ti.taxonid=? -- initial lookup UNION ALL -- start recursion SELECT tq.taxonid, st.depth+1, tq.rank FROM taxa tq -- subquery JOIN subtree st ON tq.parentid=st.taxonid ORDER BY 2 DESC) -- do dfs SELECT rst.taxonid, rst.rank, t.parentid,, n.type FROM subtree rst -- select recursed results JOIN names n on rst.taxonid=n.taxonid JOIN taxa t on t.taxonid=rst.taxonid""" return connection.cursor().execute(stmt, (taxid,))