.. include:: global.inc ########################### |basename_tt| Documentation ########################### |release| :: |today| .. toctree:: :maxdepth: 1 :caption: Contents: :hidden: install basics cookbook container faq modulereferences .. include:: badges.inc .. contents:: Content :local: .. include:: synopsis.inc ***************************** Requirements and Dependencies ***************************** Requirements ============ - Required: Python >= 3.8 ``$: python --version`` - Optional: To use local databases, `SQLite `_ (>= 3.24.0) has to be installed. |basename_tt| works without local databases, but needs to fetch all data remotely for each query. ``$: sqlite3 --version`` Dependencies ============ |basename_tt| has one dependency: - ``entrezpy``: to handle remote requests to NCBI's Entrez databases - https://gitlab.com/ncbipy/entrezpy.git - https://pypi.org/project/entrezpy/ - https://doi.org/10.1093/bioinformatics/btz385 This is a library maintained by myself and relies solely on the Python standard library. Therefore, |basename_tt| is less prone to suffer `dependency hell `_. ******* Contact ******* To report bugs and/or errors, please open an issue at https://gitlab.com/ncbi-taxonomist or contact me at: jan.buchmann@mykolab.com. Of course, feel free to fork the code, improve it, and/or open a pull request. ****************** Indices and tables ****************** * :ref:`genindex` * :ref:`modindex` * :ref:`search`