.. include:: global.inc .. _install: ************ Installation ************ .. contents:: Content :local: |basename_tt| is available on `PyPi `_ via `pip `_. If you use another Python package manager than ``pip``, please consult its documentation. If you are installing |basename_tt| on a non-Linux system, consider the propsed methods as guidelines and adjust as required. .. important:: Please note If some of the proposed commands are unfamiliar to you, don't just invoke them but look them up, e.g. in ``man`` pages or search online. Should you be unfamiliar with ``pip``, check ``pip -h`` .. note:: Python 3 vs. Python 2 Due to co-existing Python 2 and Python 3, some installation commands may be invoked slighty different. In addition, `development and support for Python 2 did stop January 2020 `_ and should not be used anymore. |basename_tt| requires Python >= 3.8. Depending on your OS and/or distribution, the default ``pip`` command can install either Python 2 or Python 3 packages. Make sure you use ``pip`` for Python 3, e.g. ``pip3`` on Ubuntu. Local pip install (no root required) ==================================== .. code-block:: shell $: pip install ncbi-taxonomist --user On Linux, |basename_tt| will be installed to ``$HOME/.local/bin``. If you cannot invoke |basename_tt| from the command line, its' likely ``$HOME/.local/bin`` is not in your ``$PATH`` (check ``echo $PATH``). In such a case, choose one of the following possibilities: - add ``$HOME/.local/bin`` to your ``$PATH``: - ``echo "export PATH=${PATH}:$HOME/.local/bin" >> ~/.bashrc`` - add an ``alias``: - see ``man bash`` or https://www.tldp.org/LDP/abs/html/aliases.html - use ``$HOME/.local/bin/ncbi-taxonomist`` implicitly Global pip install (root required) ================================== .. code-block:: shell $: pip install ncbi-taxonomist |basename_tt| should be now in ``/usr/local/bin`` and in you ``$PATH``.